Stitch and prayer

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Wood Turning Projects - What Is a Beginner Wood Turner to Do?

Wood turning tends to be a fairly solitary venture taking place in a work shops around the world. There may be a class or two or monthly meetings of the wood turning club, but for most it will be an hour here and there, privately in the garage, basement or wherever the shop may be found. For the beginner the big question seems to be "What do I turn now?" Most seem to spend some time turning square pieces round and then are not sure where to go next. Enter the wood turning project.

Wood turning projects tend to be set up in much the same way regardless of the finished piece. Instruction is given not only as to what wood to use but also the tools needed, any special sharpening techniques required and how to fix the wood to the lathe. There are generally pictures available and the more the better as each new aspect is introduced. This is of course ideal for the beginner.

Four things should be looked for in a beginner's wood turning project:

  • Ease of turning but yet a challenge. The procedures should be well within the beginner's grasp but yet enough of them should be new enough to require learning and give a challenge. The trick to learning to turn is practice, practice, practice and this will be boring without a challenge. At the same, a whole lot of new things to get used to can be frustrating and off putting. Take your time.

  • Inexpensive. Some projects need extra parts or call for exotic woods. The best way to learn is to turn the same thing over and over with minor variations for the sake of interest. Those extra parts and exotic woods can add expense fast. Local woods are cheap and still beautiful to use.

  • Green or fresh cut wood projects are easier to turn and cheaper still. In fact, a lot of green wood is free for the taking as the power company clears lines or the neighbors have to take down a shade tree whose roots are destroying the foundation.

  • Popularity. What are you going to do with all those projects, turned one after another? Sooner or later they move you out of the shop, you turn them into kindling, or you give them away. People love wood turnings. Even if you think they are not good enough to sell, people love a gift.

  • Wood turning projects present opportunity for learning while enjoying a new hobby, entertain low expense, use up wood that might otherwise be landfill and provide presents for friends and family. Turn, turn, turn.

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